» Special Programs : Balance Disorders / Falls Prevention 

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Special Programs

Balance Disorders / Falls Prevention 

Are you afraid of falling? Do you avoid activities that you used to enjoy due to poor/declining balance? Did you know that physical therapy can help improve your balance so you can get back to the things you love?

Our bodies balance system is very complex, with a variety of components. There are nerves in your eyes, inner ear, and joints that all send signals to your brain. The brain then coordinates these signals and helps direct the muscles in small movements to keep your body balanced. If any one of those inputs (eyes, ears, joints) starts to wear out, your brain does not get as much information or gets conflicting information. This can make you feel unsteady on your feet and lead to falls.

A comprehensive evaluation can help us determine how you are losing your balance, and tailor a program specifically for you so that you are more steady on your feet.

Call us today to schedule an evaluation!

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